Pretty Published Powerful & ProfitableTM

Dr. Lexis Johnson, Best Seller
& Best Seller Book Compiler Diane Novack

Complete Marketing Author Platform & Authority Branding

Learn more about Transformation!

I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired of taking courses that promised to make me an expert or promised to help me make money or build my list or on and on… and it didn’t happen. I spent 11 years struggling trying to make money online…. And then I became an International Best Seller on Amazon and the very next day because of it, I made almost $18000 in one hour online…!!

I know, right?

No enrolment calls, no strategy sessions… no fancy-schmancy website, no technology, no optin box, no lead generation except for that one hour online…And what I sold in that one hour was priced at $97 and $147…!

Of course, some of this technology was employed…. but not by me, nor by my bank account! And AFTER I made the $18000 I did do some Strategy Sessions and I enrolled with an 80% conversion rate into my Higher Priced Programs….

How did I do it….?

Well, that’s what Its the Best Seller Readiness Assessment…. Enjoy… then join me…. and I’ll teach you, too!